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This song is dedicated to The Indian Cricket Team that's trying their best to get home the Cricket World Cup 2019 trophy. Here is wishing them all the very best for the semi-finals and the FINAL. Hope you all enjoy my small tribute! Follow me on Instagram: For inquiries, email me at Original credits: Song: Kar Har Maidaan Fateh Singers: Sukhwinder Singh & Shreya Ghoshal Music: Vikram Montrose Lyrics: Shekhar Astitwa Song Programmed by: Vikram Montrose Additional Programming: Bibhuti Gogoi Sound Design: Utpal Das Live Percussions: Pratap Rath Live Guitars: Ishaan Das Drums: Zorran Mendonsa Violins: Kailash Patra Vocals & Live recorded by: Kittu Myakal Asst. Recording Engineer: Urmila Sutar Recording Studio: Soundideaz Studio Mixed by: Steve Fitzmaurice #IndianCricketTeam #KarHarMaidaanFateh #CWC2019

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World cup 2019World cupIndian cricket teamIndiaIndian teamWorld cup IndiaIndia world cupYuvraj singhVirat KohliMS DhoniSachin TendulkarIndian cricket bestBest song coverSong coverNew songs 20192019 bollywoodIndian cricketCricket world cupGuitaristguitarguitar covermusicArijit singh new songsArijit singh 2019 songs